Get the best Escort radar direct to you at the best prices.
Genuine Kiwi radars, no parallel imports, reliable local warranty.
New Zealand Escort Radar Detectors
Our Escort stock is supplied by Neltronics, the authorised distributor for New Zealand and Australia.
Escort Redline Ci 360c dual antenna radar detector
$7,199.00 -
Escort Redline Ci radar detector
$4,999.00 -
Escort MaxCam 360c Radar Detector and Dash Cam
$2,149.00 -
Escort Redline 360c NZ version radar detector
$2,149.00 -
Escort MAX 360c radar detector with GPS
$1,599.00 -
Escort Redline EX International
What’s the very best radar detector money can buy?
In our opinion and based on our own trials, the ONLY radar and laser jammer system that will get everything with tons of warning INCLUDING mobile speed cameras is the Stinger VIP. Their own bold marketing byline really sums up the confidence they have in their product: in their words “The most expensive speed trap protection ever built“. It certainly lives up to it’s reputation and is pretty much the best radar and laser detector on the planet.
Find out more about Stinger radar in New Zealand at